Converting/upgrading Nokia 9000 Communicator data to 9210

Hopefully the following text will be of use to somebody else. I've been meaning to write this up properly since Jan 6 2002 (at least, that was the timestamp on my original text file), sorry it's taken me so long! :-/

When I upgraded my Nokia 9000i Communicator through Orange UK to the new 9210 model, I encountered a number of problems. The notes below should make things slightly easier for other people going through the same process. As far as I can recall, the main issue was that Orange never offered the 9110 Communicator (which was the model in-between the 9000 and 9210), and Nokia never bothered about direct upgrades from a 9000. By the time I got my 9210 I had had my 9000 for probably four years and I'm quite sure that from Nokia's point of view "nobody" would be still actually using a 9000 by this time. Except, of course, us poor Orange UK customers...

Looking through the notes below, I do also remember having to change the [FILE-PROTOCOL] to 4.0 as described by Petr Vesely. It took me ages to dig out that post, which was on a web-based forum somewhere, far, far from the reaches of Google! :-)


> I havent' tried it yet... Good luck and keep me posted!!!

Briefly, the summary of 2 weeks of conversation with Nokia UK 
technical support (me telling them things to try!) came up with the 

To import using the PC software:

- You can only import both CONTACTS.TXT and CALENDAR.TXT at 
the same time. If you only try CONTACTS.TXT, it does not work. (I 
did not try only CALENDAR.TXT)

- You *must* have at least one To-Do list entry in your 
CALENDAR.TXT, otherwise the software won't work. (You can elect 
not to import any To-Do list items, however they must be there)

- Be warned that the PC software *loses information*. For example, if you
have a contact with eight telephone numbers, e.g. "1", "2", ... to "8",
and import this contact, you will be left with only four numbers for this
person. In my case these seemed to be "1", "2", "5" and "6". Nokia UK
seemed to think that Nokia Finland weren't going to worry about this, and
probably wouldn't fix it.

The only other way of transferring information is to use a 9110 phone. I
managed to track one down, and did the following:

- Back up old contacts from 9110 (you don't want to upset your friend who
lent you the phone!)

- Delete all 9110 contacts, then use 9110 PC Suite to import your 
CONTACTS.TXT from your 9000i. (this works perfectly)

- Use PC Suite to import these contacts to the 9110

- Place the 9110 and 9210 within IR sight of each other, and use Data
Mover on the 9210 to transfer your contacts

- Restore the 9110 to its previous state

- Go through each and every contact entry on your 9210, converting 
"Tel (PCN)" to "Tel GSM ()". Yes, this is tedious!

- Go through each and every contact, changing Tel (Private) to Tel
(Phone) where necessary. No, there is no way of automatically
telling when it is necessary.

Nokia also recommended using Pumatech's Outlook synchronisation 
software, but I could not get it to work:

- It is designed for Outlook 97, not 2000 and certainly not XP.

- It crashed with an "unknown error" when I tried to import anything into

- Outlook has no support for more than about 3 telephone numbers 
per person, and certainly has no support for named telephone 
numbers  e.g. "Tel (Business)" or "Tel (Billing)" etc. I was less than
confident that the Pumatech Intellisync software would have solved this.

> Daan


I think I'm going to put the above information on a web page 
somewhere, actually. There must be plenty of other people with 
similar troubles...

I'll let you know when I get it online.

Have a good 2002!



> wrote:
> > You can use "Upgrade Software" plug-in for PC Suite. It is for N9110
> > to N9210 import but it can be used also for N9000 to N9210 import.
> > Export Contacts and Calendar form N9000i to PC. The use Upgrade
> > Software module in PC Suite. Contacts.txt will be imported without
> > problems, in the header of the Calendar file exported from N9000i you
> > will first have to change the protocol number from 3.0 to 4.0:
> > [FILE-PROTOCOL] 4.0 The you can import also Calendar.txt file
> >
> > All other files must be transferred onto PC using File transfer (this
> > will convert them from GEOS into PC format) and them transfer them
> > again onto N9210 (this will convert them form PC to EPOC format). Petr
> > Vesely
> >
> > : I have a comunicator 9210. How do I copy my
> > : 9000i data to my new 9210? I can't find
> > : any information on this. I was advised to look
> > : on this forum for a tool to convert the data
> > : (contacts etc.) All the info that I can
> > : find is about migrating from 9110 to 9120.
> > : Please
> > : help!

If you have any questions etc., do feel free to email me.