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Graham's 3D Gallery

of Stereo Photography

Here is a selection of nine of my own 3D or stereo photo pairs - see my 3D Photography page for instructions on viewing them, and creating your own. Making the photos fit within the width of a 640 x 480 screen meant limiting the size, and normal monitors limit the resolution to 72 dpi, so its not possible to convey the full grandeur of 3D photography via the internet. These photos just give a taste - real live photos are much better.

The old Swan Brewery building beside the Swan River, Perth


The Mitchell Freeway approaching Perth. The limitation of taking one photo after the other is apparent here - the traffic has moved between photos and doesn't match up.


A suburban scene near where I live in Perth. The nearest trees seem to blend in to the distant trees until viewed in 3D, when they are clearly separate.


Karri forest near Pemberton, WA - part of the ten percent of old-growth karri forest that remains after logging of the rest. Some of the trees in this photo are around 90 metres tall, making my car (bottom right) look rather small. I have enlargements of these photos on my refrigerator so that I can admire the forest in 3D while waiting for the toast to burn.


Yachts bathing in the evening sunlight at the Royal Perth Yacht Club on Matilda Bay. Kings Park in the left background.


A freeway footbridge in central Perth - a jumbled scene in two dimensions, but the components separate clearly when viewed in 3D.


Snow-covered rocks on the Ramshead Range near the ski village of Thredbo, NSW.


An aerial view of the main range of the Snowy Mountains, NSW, in summer. The aeroplane would have travelled about a kilometre in the brief interval between these photos, but when the subject is so far away a large photo separation is necessary to show any depth. This is a difficult image for the inexperienced cross-eyed viewer due to the absence of prominent features for the eyes to line up.


The Thredbo golf course after a fresh snowfall, part of Thredbo village in the distance.


This page is part of the Stereoscopic 3D Web Ring.
Links to other sites relating to 3D photography are found on my Links and Webrings page.

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