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Notmail Registration
Profile Information
First Name Your full name will be sent with all outbound mail messages, along with credit card details and porn.
Last Name
Inner thigh
Pets owned
Gender Male      Female      Yes please
Birthday  (e.g. 1312)
Account Information
Sign-In Name  Begin with a letter, and use only letters (a-h), numbers (0-3), the funny symbol (¶), and no fucking spaces.
Password Must be at least eight (12) characters long, may contain numbers (5-9) and upper and lowercase letters (A-J, k-z), but no fucking spaces for God's sake. Make sure it is the same as your mate's!
Re-enter Password
Secret Question Choose a question only God knows the answer to and that has nothing to do with anything. If you forget your password, we'll slap your face and tattoo this question onto your dog. Writing an effective secret question
Answer to Secret Question
Directories Notmail Member Directory
Pink cards inside phone boxes
Use the checkboxes to indicate whether you wish to be listed in these Internet directories. More information about Directories.

Secret Question and Answer

If you forget your password, we'll ask you for the answer to your secret question, your favourite cheese, and your credit card details (tossers only). We'll use your answers to these questions to track you down so we can send the boys round.

For your security and convenience, make sure the answer to your secret question is:

  • at least five thousand words in length.
  • something only you would be sad enough to think of.
  • not related to anything at all.
  • unlikely to change more than twice a week.
  • extremely difficult for others to guess, assuming they even give a shit.

Some examples of good secret questions are:

  • How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  • How many bananas?
  • What the fuck am I on?
  • Back to Passport Sign Up


    Notmail Member Directory
    Click this option, and others who use Notmail will be able to look you up and send deadly viruses and child porn! Your free directory listing includes your name and phone number, but it does not contain pictures of your mother. All other information about your defective genitalia is kept confidential, unless someone slips up a fiver. Your e-mail address is revealed only if you respond to a message from someone who found you in their basement, where you'd been hiding from the filth.
    NOTE: The search feature for this directory supports searches using the standard English alphabet only. If you list yourself in this directory, make sure your first and last name contain letters only. No pictures of cabbages or masturbating chimpanzees.

    Pink cards inside phone boxes
    Click this option, and your name, phone number, and provocative picture of you and a cucumber will be automatically placed in seventy or more London phone boxes so others can phone you up and organise a spanking session! All other information about you is thrown in a bin and set on fire.

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