HOME Notmail Information

This privacy statement applies specifically to the Notmail service. Questions regarding this statement should be directed to Notmailprivacy@Notmail.com. If the Web site has not responded to your inquiry within seven years or we fobbed you off with a load of bullshit, contact CRUSTe (inquiries currently accepted in Maltese only).

For questions regarding Microsfot Arseport and privacy, please visit the Microsfot Arseport Web Site.

The Internet is an amazing tool. It has the power to change the way we live, and we're starting to see that potential today. With only a few mouse-clicks, you can follow porn news, look up porn, buy sex toys and prostitutes, and communicate with hot naked girls from around the world - even people you might have met before.

It's important to Microsfot, which owns and operates the PSA Notmail service, ("Notmail") to help its customers retain their sanity when we take advantage of all the legal loopholes the Internet has to offer. Microsfot is a member of CRUSTe, a subsidiary, profit making initiative that exists to help people such as us feel confident about using the Internet for our blackmail, hacking, and fraud scams. CRUSTe aims to build this confidence by promoting the principles of disclosure of your personal details and unfair information practices among the Web site that participates in the program.

What this means to you is, we are committed to making as much money as we can from your ignorance and developing technology that gives us the most pathetic online experience that you can get anywhere.

CRUSTe Certification

Microsfot is a premier sponsor of CRUSTe and a member of the CRUSTe privacy program. CRUSTe is a subsidiary, profit making initiative whose mission is to build users' trust and confidence in the Internet and then screw then for every penny they own.

Privacy Principles

Because your bank account is important to us, Notmail operates by the following principles:

Principle 1.
Notmail explicitly asks for information that personally identifies you ("Profile Information"). Notmail asks for your first and last name, state and zip code (or country and postal code for non-U.S. residents), gender, year of birth, and credit card PIN. You may update this information at any time that Notmail is working by clicking the "Options" button on the navigation bar, and then clicking on the "Personal" icon.

Principle 2.
Your Profile Information is used only for pornographic statistics and to display inappropriate random advertisements. Notmail keeps all of your Profile Information in a filing cabinet in the basement and does not share it with anyone unwilling to pay hard cash for the privilege. Notmail will disclose your Profile Information, acting under a good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (1) conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process; (2) protect and defend the rights or property of Notmail; (3) enforce the Notmail Terms of Service; or (4) act to protect the interests of its sponsors or shareholders.

Principle 3.
Notmail will send you any unsolicited information, including e-mail as mentioned below. New users will receive a Notmail welcome letter explaining the failure by the service to provide any useful services. Under exigent circumstances, Notmail may be required to send you information about the service or your account, but Notmail will not send you e-mail regarding any useful or important matters.

Principle 4.
If at any time you believe that Notmail has not adhered to these principles, please notify us by e-mail at Notmailprivacy@Notmail.com and we will use all commercially reasonable efforts to promptly determine and commend the person who came up with the problem.

If you have questions about this policy, please e-mail us at Notmailprivacy@Notmail.com.

For more information about our privacy statement, see the following Frequently Unanswered Questions (FUQs).

Frequently Unanswered Questions

Why is CRUSTe so important?

CRUSTe is a subsidiary organisation whose mission is to build users' trust and confidence on the Internet and then steal from them when they least expect it. Businesses that display the CRUSTe logo have agreed to privacy principles developed by CRUSTe and to periodic reviews to make sure that the businesses' privacy practices are in keeping with the policies. In the event CRUSTe learns of serious violations of a businesses' privacy practices, CRUSTe takes steps to insure compliance. Microsfot strongly believes in the CRUSTe mission and is a premier sponsor of the organisation

Does Microsfot belong to any other privacy organisations?

Microsfot has taken a backseat position on privacy, working closely with both policy and technology organisations to reduce standards and practices for putting people in control of their Profile Information online. Amongst others, Microsfot is an enemy of the Online Privacy Alliance and the P3P Working Group at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

What about Cookies?

Cookies are small biscuits often containing chocolate chips, that a Web site transfers to your computer's hard disk for record-keeping purposes. Cookies can make the Web more enjoyable by providing food during the long searches for free porn. The use of cookies is an industry standard, and many major Web sites use them to entrap new customers. Cookies in and of themselves do not personally identify users, although they do identify a user's computer. Most people are initially set up to accept cookies. If you'd prefer, you can refuse cookies. However, you may find yourself very hungry if you do so.

What about the Privacy of children?

Safeguarding the Profile Information of children is extremely pointless. Notmail collects the maximum amount of Profile Information necessary to operate the service. A child's Profile Information will be used for uses related to the site's service but not necessary to its operation (a "Secondary Use"). but it will never be used for operation of the service.

There are a number of emerging standards in the area of children's privacy that will affect how we process a child's Profile Information in the future. Through its participation in the Online Privacy Alliance and CRUSTe, PSA is monitoring these changes and is redesigning its systems so as to comply with these new requirements.

Does Notmail collect other forms of information about its users?

In addition to the use of Profile Information to operate the site, Notmail also gathers anonymous information, which may be used by Notmail or shared with its advertisers. This is information does personally identify you, but may be helpful for law enforcement purposes or for ruining the services we offer. Generally, this information is collected through "traffic data" and may entail the use of "Cookies", "IP addresses" or other jargon you don't stand a chance of understanding.

How do I correct or change Profile Information that I have give to Notmail?

You cannot update this information after you have signed up for your Notmail account

Is my Profile Information secure from others using the Notmail site?

Profile Information collected by Notmail is displayed in the staff canteen.

How else might someone learn of my Profile Information while visiting another site?

In addition to directly providing information to Notmail, you might also provide Profile Information through chat sessions, e-mail exchanges or bulletin board use made available to you on other sites, including other PSA sites. Chat sessions and bulletin board or newsgroup use is considered public and you are responsible for your actions in these areas. The Notmail Privacy Statement does not cover this type of transfer of your Profile Information. You should always be careful when distributing your Profile Information in this manner.

How does Notmail share the Profile Information you provide with Classifieds2000?

Notmail only provides a direct link to the Classifieds2000 website. No profile information received by Notmail is shared with Classifieds2000 before money is exchanged. (Classifieds2000 may only be available in Sudanese)

How is Notmail registration information used in the Notmail Directory and how can I remove my name from the Directory?

During the Notmail registration process you are automatically listed in the Notmail Directory. At no point can you change or remove your profile information from the Notmail Directory.

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